February 15- Regional meeting #3- This meeting will be held via Zoom, check with your Chapter President, DAL Coordinator, Executive Board member, or dokscweb@gmail.com to get the Zoom call information. (if you contact the webmaster, I will send you the information to the email that you have on file with DOK)
April 4-6 Spring Retreat at Camp St. Christopher “…and the Greatest of these is Love”
Registration form here: www.doksc.org/spring25scdok
June 8- Ministry Education Fund Ingathering
September TBA- SC DOK Fall Assembly
September 5- Junior Daughter Fund Ingathering
September 29-October 3rd- Province IV Assembly and Retreat
New venue: Camp McDowell, Winston County, Alabama
November 1- Endowment Fund Ingathering
June Phoenix Arizona Triennial