My dear Sisters in Christ,
Time is rapidly approaching for the first of our Regional Meetings. There will be three meetings: January 30 (for members in the southern part of our Assembly), February 13th (middle part of our Assembly), and February 27th (northern part of our Assembly). In this manner, we will be able to fellowship with those Daughters in closer proximity to each other and be inclusive of our Daughters-at-Large. I realize the particular Saturday meeting for your area may not be convenient in which case I would encourage you to attend any meeting that works in to your schedule. We want as much participation as possible and this is your time to share your successes and concerns with others. Meetings will begin at 9:30 am with a time of fellowship followed by a devotion and prayer with Chaplain Janet Echols. There will be a short time for the business of the Assembly and the remainder of the meeting will be a time for sharing. It is my hope the meetings will conclude by lunch time.
As this is a Zoom format, registration will be necessary to protect the security and integrity of the gatherings. Please register online at our Assembly website, Once you are registered you will receive an email with the sign-in information for your particular session.
I pray you are all well and safe. I look forward to sharing time with each of you.
Kester Heaton
1st VP, SC Assembly