Fall update from our SC Assembly President

Dear Sisters in Christ,

An extraordinary fall is upon us and a season of grateful thanksgiving. The Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina is thankful for the consecration of their Bishop, The Right Reverend Ruth Morse Woodliff-Stanley, the first female Bishop in the history of the Diocese of South Carolina. The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina gives thanks for the election of the Very Reverend Chip Edgar as their Co-adjuter and Bishop-elect.

We were blessed with a glorious day at Camp Saint Christopher for our in-person annual Fall Assembly and Installation of Assembly Officers. It was such a joy to see all those smiling faces. And then there was our Provincial Fall Retreat, in person and virtual, at Kanuga. Five days of dismal rain did not dampen our spirits as we shared God's word from Fr. Terrence Lee (a former South Carolina priest now serving in New York City) on hope, joy and peace (Romans 15:13). The time was enhanced with meditations and Bible studies led by our Chaplain, Bishop Glenda Curry, and the Rev'd Shirley Porter. God is good -- all the time!!

Many of you have elected new Chapter Officers. Congratulations to the new officers and thank you for your willingness to serve. You are important links to your Chapter daughters from the Assembly, Province and National office. Please be sure to submit a Chapter Officer Form (available at www.doknational.org) to both the National office and me. Would you also indicate your chapter meeting times and officer installation date. It is my intent to visit every chapter throughout my term. If you have pictures of any of your activities, please send them to our 2nd VP Dawn Schaeperkoetter (dleeinsc@gmail.com) who will be publishing our "Assembly Lights" and Janet Stoda (jb.stoda@gmail.com) our webmaster. It is also time to remind and encourage your Daughters to pay their dues. If financial issues are a problem, please let us know as assistance is available. There is also assistance for Daughters at Large if this is an issue (please contact our DAL Chair Jen jengajdalo@aol.com or me).

We have some events coming up in the New Year that I pray you all will consider.

Regional Meetings
29 January 2022, Trinity Church, Edisto Beach, RSVP Linda Sanders (lbs1119@hotmail.com)
12 February 2022, St Paul's Church, Conway, RSVP Jeannie Browder (jbrowder@sccoast.net).
Regional meetings are a great way to connect with Daughters in your area and, particularly, for Daughters at Large.

18-20 March 2022, Spring Retreat, Camp St. Christopher

22-26 June 2022, "Come to the Table" Triennial Gathering, Baltimore, MD.
Registration opens January 4, 2022 on the National Office website (doknational.org) If you have junior daughters please encourage them to participate in this incredible experience as well (scholarship funds are available).

You all are in my prayers for hope, peace and joy as we approach the hectic holiday season.

Kester Heaton, President
SC Assembly DOK